Automated Chinese message phone scam (update)

June 2019

We're aware some customers are receiving phone calls from scammers where ANZ's general enquiries number (0800 269 296) is appearing in the caller display. When customers answer the call, there is an automated message spoken in Chinese advising the customer their bank account has been locked and that needs to be closed for unexpected reasons.

This is a scam. Please hang up immediately; do not follow the instructions of the caller. Please share this message with your family and friends. 

If you have any concerns please call us on 0800 838 123 to speak to our bi-lingual staff.

The financial services industry has seen an increase in scams over the past couple of years and ANZ encourages customers to remain vigilant.


  • If you receive a call from someone asking you to transfer money to someone you don't know, do not do it. End the call and notify ANZ on 0800 269 296 (international +64 4 470 3142) or you can report a hoax or suspicious email online.
  • Never disclose your banking passwords, PINs, security codes or personal financial information to anyone even if they say they are from the bank or the NZ Police.
  • If you have any concerns with your banking or see anything out of the ordinary please contact us.
  • Never install software on your devices that you are not familiar with.


据了解目前有些客户接到诈骗电话,其来电显示出现ANZ的客服中心号码(0800 269 296)。 当客户接听电话后,会播放一段中文的自动语音服务,告知客户他们的银行帐户已被锁定,并且出于某种意外原因需要关闭。

这是一个骗局。请立即挂断; 不要配合来电者的指示。如果您有任何疑虑,请致电*0800 838 123*与我们的中文热线工作人员联系。



  •  如果您接到陌生人的电话,要求您将钱转移给您不认识的人,请不要这样做。结束通话并拨打本地的 0800 838 123(国际号码*+64 4 382 4160*)通知ANZ,或者您可以在线报告诈骗或可疑电子邮件。
  • *切勿*向任何人透露您的银行密码,个人识别码,安全码或个人财务信息,即使他们说他们来自银行或新西兰警方。
  • 如果您对您的银行业务有任何疑虑或看到非正常的信息,请*与我们联系*。
  • *切勿*在您的设备上安装不熟悉的软件。