Making a complaint

If you have a complaint about a product or service, we are here to help. Find out how to make a complaint, our process and what to expect while we investigate your concerns. 

We want to hear from you

We strive to deliver excellent products and services to our customers here in New Zealand, but if we get things wrong, we want to hear from you. 

We are committed to working with you to understand what’s happened and to try to resolve your complaint promptly.

We promise to listen to you and do our best to find a solution that is fair and reasonable. To help us resolve your complaint quickly we will need you to provide the following information to us:

  1. Your name
  2. Your preferred contact details
  3. What your complaint is about, including:
    - The product or service your complaint is about and what’s gone wrong
    - The resolution you are seeking
    - Whether you believe you are experiencing financial hardship or difficulties and need assistance.

We will never ask you for your banking PINs, passwords, security codes or anything else that could compromise the security of your banking. 

Complaint guide

This guide explains how you can make a complaint and how we’ll try to resolve it to your satisfaction. It also outlines how to contact the Banking Ombudsman Scheme.

Easy Read complaint guide

Read the guide in the following languages

Please contact us if you need the guide in another language or format.

How to make a complaint

How to have your complaint reviewed

The Banking Ombudsman Scheme 

ANZ New Zealand is a member of the Banking Ombudsman Scheme (BOS).

BOS provides a free and independent service to help you resolve problems with your banking. You can contact them for help even if we are still investigating your complaint.

Generally, ANZ needs a reasonable opportunity to consider your concerns before BOS can review your complaint.

We’ll provide you with the Banking Ombudsman Scheme’s contact details when:

  • We record your complaint and can’t resolve it on the same day
  • You are not satisfied with our final response to your complaint
  • We haven’t resolved your complaint within 60 days

Contact the Banking Ombudsman Scheme

Tell us about your complaint online