Closing the Māori and Pasifika pay gap

As part of our focus on pay equity, we’re working towards closing our ethnicity pay gap.

Our pay gap data

In 2023, our second year of reporting, the Māori and Pasifika pay gap has continued to narrow.

We are working hard to build confidence in our staff to increase ethnicity declarations so we can build a clearer picture of our pay equity. We are encouraging everyone to take part in voluntarily declaring one or more ethnic identities through targeted campaigns and the support of our affinity network groups.

Based on the data voluntarily provided, 8.7% of our permanent workforce identify as Māori or Pasifika. We will expand our disclosure to include other ethnicities as data allows.

The percentage of our workforce who identify as Māori or Pasifika is the number of permanent employees of ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited who identify as Māori or Pasifika as a percentage of the total permanent employee population, including employees who have not declared an ethnicity.

Employees who haven’t provided ethnicity data aren’t included in the Māori and Pasifika pay gap calculation. We recognise that our Māori and Pasifika pay gap is based on less than half of our workforce and does not provide a complete picture. 

Values (unaudited) are provided by ANZ Bank New Zealand Limited employees on a voluntary basis and are as at 30 September 2023.

Contact the ANZ Equity, Diversity and Inclusion team

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