Confirmation of Payee

From mid-February, the new Confirmation of Payee service will roll out in the ANZ goMoney mobile app and Internet Banking. It applies to new online domestic payments only. International, same day cleared or ATM payments won't be checked.

How it works

Confirmation of Payee checks that the name entered matches the account holder name and account number before you make a payment. This helps you avoid paying the wrong person, adding another layer of protection to help reduce scams and fraud.

You can learn more about the Confirmation of Payee service on the GetVerified website.

[Video: Text on screen is mostly as per voice over]

[Note: Uninformative illustrations in the video are not described in this transcript]

Voiceover: Confirmation of Payee is a simple way to check you’re paying the right person or business and it’s another layer of fraud protection. Here’s how it works.

[Video: ANZ Internet Banking on a laptop, goMoney on a mobile phone]

Voiceover: When you're paying someone in New Zealand for the first time using ANZ goMoney or ANZ Internet Banking, Confirmation of Payee now checks that the name entered matches the account holder name and account number.

[Video: Payee details being entered in goMoney. Text on screen: Tick icon, account holder name. Tick icon, account number]

Voiceover: If you get a 'match' you can be more confident you’ve got the correct details.

[Text on screen: Tick icon, match. Video: Payment confirmation screen on the mobile phone with a note below the payee details ‘Payee name and account number match’]

Voiceover:  If you get a partial match or not a match, check you've entered the correct details or ask the person or business you're paying to confirm the details are right.

[Text on screen: Information icon, partial match. Video: Message on mobile phone screen ‘Partial match. The payee name you’ve entered is not an exact match with this account number, but it’s close. You may have used a shortened name or made a typo. Use their legal first and last name, or business name, to get an exact match or continue if you know and trust this payee.’ Continue button, Exit button.]

[Text on screen: Cross icon, not a match. Video: Message on mobile phone screen ‘Not a match. The payee name you’ve entered doesn’t match the account number. Before continuing: Check you have used the payee’s legal first and last name, or business name. Check the account number is correct. Pause. Consider whether you trust this payee and can verify their identity. Edit button, Continue button]

Voiceover: Edit the payment details to update them. Select ‘check details’ to check them again.

[Video: Payee details being changed in goMoney. Check details button being selected]

Voiceover: You can still choose to go ahead with the payment if you get a partial match or no match.

[Video: Message on mobile phone screen ‘Are you sure? We may not be able to get your money back if you pay the wrong payee.’ Edit button, Continue button]

Voiceover: But you may be paying the wrong person, or a fraudster.

[Text on screen: Exclamation mark icon, paying the wrong person or a fraudster]

Voiceover: So if in doubt, pause and consider cancelling the payment, as you may not be able to get your money back. Make it match.

[Text on screen: Tick icon, make it match]

[Text on screen is as per voice over]

Voiceover: To get a match when you’re paying someone, or someone wants to pay you, you need to use the correct account holder name, that’s the first and last name on a passport, driver’s licence, or birth certificate, not initials or nicknames.

[Video: Payee details being entered in goMoney. Text on screen: Tick icon, legal name. Cross icon, nickname]

Voiceover: If it’s a joint account you only need to use one of the account holder names. For businesses, it’s the account holder name registered on the account.

[Video: Payee details being entered in goMoney]

Voiceover: Confirmation of Payee, another layer of fraud protection from ANZ.

[Text on screen is as per voiceover, ANZ logo]

Paying someone new

When paying someone in New Zealand for the first time, Confirmation of Payee will check if the account holder name and number are a match before you make the payment. 

Confirmation of payee responses

  • Match – the payee name and account number match.
  • Partial match – the payee name does not exactly match the actual name on the account, but is close. You may have used a shortened name or made a typo.
  • No match – the payee name and account number don't match. The payee name or account number could be incorrect. 
  • Account not found – the account number appears invalid and your payment may not go through.
  • Can’t check payee details – the payee's bank doesn't share the information needed to check these details.
  • Can’t check payee details right now – due to a temporary issue we can't check the payee details right now. Only continue if you know and trust this payee, or try again later.

Getting paid

For anyone paying you, you’ll need to provide them with your:

  • Account holder name (this may not be the account name in goMoney or Internet Banking)
  • Account number.

If someone has saved your details from previous payments, they won’t need to update your payment details.

Using the correct account holder name

If you’re a personal customer

  • It’s your legal first and last name as shown on a driver's licence, birth certificate or passport.
  • If you have your payment details saved on selling sites like Trade Me, check and update your payment details to ensure they're correct.

If you're a business or trading as a business

  • You’ll need to use your business account holder name to get a match.
  • Check your invoices or payment requests have the correct account holder name and number on them and update if required. 
  • If you’re registered as a payee with Payments NZ, your payments are covered by the Payments NZ register. Payments won’t be checked through the Confirmation of Payee service and there is nothing you need to do.

See our Privacy Statement for how we collect, use, and disclose your information. Our Privacy Statement also includes information on your rights to access and correction of your personal information.

Guidelines for payee name matches

For an individual account, the payee name needs to be the legal first and last name of the account holder as shown on a driver's licence, birth certificate or passport. Initials and nicknames are not your full legal name.

For a joint account, the payee name needs to be the legal first and last name of at least one account holder as shown on a driver's licence, birth certificate or passport.

For a sole trader, the payee name needs to be the sole trader name registered with the bank.

The payee name needs to be the legal name that is held by the Companies Office and bank records. This is the name on the certificate of incorporation.

The payee name needs to be the Trust name that is on the Trust deed.

The payee name needs to be the legal name that is held by the Companies Office Registers and bank records.

How to update your account name or details

If your account name or details are incorrect, such as a misspelling on an account or card, or you've changed your legal name, you will need to contact us.