Using behaviour to enhance fraud detection

We collect information about your device and how you interact with it (also known as behavioural biometric information) when you use the ANZ goMoney mobile app and ANZ Internet Banking.

Information we collect about you and your device

When you use goMoney and Internet Banking, we collect information about your device, and how you interact with it. 

Some examples are:

  • Your device’s model and operating system
  • Your IP address
  • How you swipe 
  • How you scroll 
  • Your typing speed.

We’ll only collect this information while you’re using goMoney or Internet Banking.

Android™ permissions

For Android™ users, we’ll also ask for your permission to use the device permissions ’Make and manage calls’ and ’Determine nearby devices’ to help protect you from fraud. You can 'deny' these permissions in goMoney or turn off these permissions at any time in your device settings.

How we do and don’t use this information

We can check whether you’re on a call or not, but we can’t hear or make calls. We’ll see if you have other devices connected but won’t connect to them.  The information is collected in the background, so you won’t notice anything different. 

We don’t collect information when you’re not using goMoney or Internet Banking.

Why we collect this information

The information we collect can help protect you from scams and fraud. Innovative security technology uses the information to help recognise the actions of a genuine customer versus an imposter. This can lead to identifying suspicious behaviour, including things like a login by someone that isn’t you.

We’ll never use this data for promotional or marketing purposes.

Sharing information with our specialist security partner

We’ll only share this information with our specialist security partner. The information is encrypted, and they won’t be able to identify you.

Unique to you

We collect behavioural biometric information on an individual customer basis, tied to your unique ANZ customer number. 

If goMoney or Internet Banking has been set up on a device using multiple customer numbers, there’s nothing that you need to do because the behavioural biometric information will be unique for each customer number.

Only one person may use each unique customer number. If you’ve been sharing one customer number, we may not be able to accurately record your behavioural biometric information, please contact us to help set up additional logins.

It’s essential information

The data we collect is an essential part of how we help to protect you from scams and fraud. This means that you won’t be able to use goMoney or Internet Banking without having this data collected.  

If you want to have your access to these channels suspended, or be de-registered from them, you can contact us. You will still be able to manage your banking by:

More information

From overseas: +64 4 470 3142

Important information