Māori business support

E tino tautoko ana i te pakihi Māori.

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We understand Māori business

Every Māori business is different. Whether you’re running a whānau-owned business, managing assets on behalf of others, or working in the community, our people understand what you do.

We find the Māori business sector dynamic and exciting. Māori are involved in such a wide range of sectors, from agriculture to education to science to community services.

We're passionate about building long-term relationships with our customers and understanding their needs, so we take the time to engage with Māori businesses and find out what they're thinking.

Strong relationships with people who can help

Whatever sector you are involved in, our people have the right experience and skills to help you succeed.

Get the finance you need

Whether you're starting out, expanding or diversifying your interests, you’ll benefit from our experience. We have expertise in areas like agriculture, fisheries, property and exporting. We’ll work with you to find the right finance structure.

Manage your pūtea

From deposits to managed funds, we can help you manage your funds for tomorrow. Whether it’s a build-up of surpluses, Treaty settlement funds, or funding you’re waiting to use. ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited is ANZ's award-winning investment management business and New Zealand's largest fund manager.

Unleash the potential of your whenua

We understand the significance and importance of Māori land. We have a track record of helping land owners increase the potential of their whenua through farming, forestry, horticulture and energy.

We celebrate te reo and tikanga Māori

Over a decade ago ANZ established a Māori staff network – the group’s goals are to celebrate tikanga Māori, engage and develop Māori staff, and help ANZ better engage with Māori communities.

Our Māori staff have driven the integration of culture into our business including hosting free te reo Māori classes for the community, adding a te reo Māori language option to all ATMs, more Māori artwork in our work spaces, cultural celebration events for staff, and te reo support for executives.

We support good causes

ANZ has been a major sponsor of the Cancer Society since 1990 and the principal sponsor of their flagship fundraising event 'Daffodil Day'.

The ANZ Staff Foundation – a charitable trust that ANZ staff contribute to from their salaries – makes annual distributions to New Zealand charities delivering real outcomes in our communities.

Contact us online

Strong relationships with people you can trust are critical. We have staff across Aotearoa who work with Māori businesses like yours. We'll find the right person with the right skills for you – someone you feel comfortable working with.

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Important information

This material is for information purposes only. We recommend seeking financial advice about your situation and goals before getting a financial product. To talk to one of our team at ANZ, please call 0800 269 296, or for more information about ANZ’s financial advice service or to view our financial advice provider disclosure statement see anz.co.nz/fapdisclosure