Managing your investment

With ANZ Investments, you’re in control with easy ways to manage your investment.

Manage your investment online

View and manage your ANZ Investment Funds anywhere, anytime via ANZ Internet Banking and goMoney mobile app. 

  • Check your balance
  • View past transactions
  • Find out how your investment has performed
  • Make additional investments by transferring money directly from your ANZ transaction account
  • Check which fund(s) you're invested in
  • Check your prescribed Investor Rate (PIR).

Not registered for ANZ Internet Banking or goMoney?

Making additional investments

You can make additional investments in ANZ Investment Funds anytime, either as one-off lump sums or regular direct debits. There’s no minimum investment amount, and you won’t be charged a fee for adding to your investment.

To make additional lump sum or regular investments

You can:

  • Transfer funds online to your investment account via ANZ Internet Banking or goMoney
  • Set up a bill payment or automatic payment
    Select ‘ANZ Investment Funds’ from the Bill Payee list on your internet banking, or make your payment to:
    ANZ Investment Funds Application Account

What you need to know

  • It will usually take up to three business days for your investment to reach your ANZ Investment Funds account, and up to five business days to show in ANZ Internet Banking and goMoney
  • Include the following information with your payment, otherwise we won’t be able to credit your payment to the correct account:
    Your surname
    Your date of birth (DDMMYYY)
    Your investor number or ANZ customer number or IRD number
  • If you’re invested in more than one fund, any additional investments you make will be allocated at the same percentage as last time. If you wish to change how your future investments are allocated, you’ll need to complete a Transaction Form – at the back of the product disclosure statement – before making your next investment.

Making withdrawals

Because ANZ Investment Funds are flexible, you can withdraw one-off lump sums anytime or make regular withdrawals to supplement your income – the choice is yours.

To make a lump sum withdrawal, or to set up regular withdrawals, simply complete and return a withdrawal form.

What you need to know

  • Once we've received all the information we need, we aim to pay your withdrawal and have it show in your Investment Fund account in ANZ Internet Banking and goMoney within five business days. If we have to ask for more information, this may cause delays in processing your withdrawal
  • It’s not possible to time your request for a specific unit price. The unit price received for your withdrawal request will be a unit price at the time we process your request
  • The minimum withdrawal amount (unless you're making a full withdrawal) is:
    $500 per fund for lump sum withdrawals
    $100 per fund for regular withdrawals
  • Once your balance reaches $0, your investment account will be closed
  • If you haven't provided proof of your identity and address (PDF 324KB), you'll need to do so along with your first withdrawal request - see the withdrawal form for details.

Choose the right tax rate

It’s important to check your Prescribed Investor Rate (PIR) annually to make sure you’re paying the right amount of tax on your investment account.

Why is this important?

  • If your PIR is too high, any tax over-withheld will be used to reduce any income tax liability you may have for the tax year and any remaining amount will be refunded to you. Inland Revenue will notify you if you're due a refund
  • If your PIR is too low, you’ll be required to pay any tax shortfall as part of the income tax year-end process.

We may be notified by Inland Revenue to update your PIR if they believe it is incorrect. We are required to apply this updated PIR. However, you can provide us with a different PIR if you believe it is incorrect.

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From overseas: +64 9 356 4000

If you wish to speak to an external financial adviser, call 0800 736 034 and we’ll put you in touch with one.

Important information

ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited ('ANZ Investments') is the issuer and manager of the ANZ Investment Funds. Important information is available under terms and conditions. Download the guide (PDF 664.2KB) and product disclosure statement (PDF 924.3KB)

Our financial advice provider statement has some important information you should know about ANZ Investments and our financial advice services. Please take the time to read it.