Documents and forms
These documents, forms and links will help you with your investments.
General forms
- Direct Debit Form (PDF 63KB)
Use this form to set up a regular contribution to your KiwiSaver account.
- Change Form (PDF 440KB)
Use this form to change your fund, contribution rate, PIR or to update your personal details.
- Authorised Signatory Form (PDF 512KB)
Use this form if you are a legal guardian or attorney wishing to be appointed as an authorised signatory.
- Appointment of Official Representative Form (PDF 517KB)
Use this form to appoint an official representative to operate your account on your behalf.
- International Money Transfer Request Form (PDF 44KB)
Use this form to transfer money to an overseas bank account.
Early withdrawal
- First Home Withdrawal Application Form (PDF 651KB)
Use this form to apply for a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal.
- Significant Financial Hardship Guide and Application Form (PDF 765KB)
This guide provides information on eligibility criteria and next steps. Use the application form to apply for a withdrawal.
- Serious Illness Withdrawal Application Form (PDF 589KB)
Use this form to request an early withdrawal if you’re suffering from a serious illness.
- Permanent Emigration Withdrawal Application Form (PDF 587KB)
Use this form if you’re permanently moving to another country other than Australia.
- Life-Shortening Congenital Conditions Withdrawal Guide and Application Form (PDF 495KB)
This guide provides information on eligible conditions and next steps. Use the application form to apply for a withdrawal.
Retirement withdrawal
- First Retirement Withdrawal Form (PDF 228KB)
Use this form to make your first retirement withdrawal.
- Subsequent Retirement Withdrawal Form (PDF 93KB)
Use this form to make a subsequent retirement withdrawal or subsequent life-shortening congenital conditions withdrawal.
- Retirement Withdrawal Application Form (for Australian-sourced funds) (PDF 504KB)
Use this form to make a retirement withdrawal from funds that have been transferred from an Australian complying superannuation scheme.
Transferring funds between New Zealand and Australia
Transfers from Australia to New Zealand
- ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme Trans-Tasman Transfer Form (PDF 212KB)
Use this form if your Australian provider doesn’t have their own transfer form to transfer your Australian superannuation to your KiwiSaver account.
- ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme Trans-Tasman Application Letter (PDF 36KB)
Provide this letter to your Australian provider along with your completed application form.
- Trans-Tasman Statutory Declaration (PDF 44KB)
If your Australian provider has their own application form but doesn’t have their own New Zealand statutory declaration, use this declaration to transfer your Australian superannuation to your KiwiSaver account.
Regulations that govern Trans-Tasman Portability statutory declarations have changed to make it easier for you to transfer your Australian super to New Zealand. Now you are allowed to complete a New Zealand statutory declaration, and have it witnessed by a New Zealand witness.
Transfers from New Zealand to Australia
Read about transferring your KiwiSaver savings to Australia.
Investment risks
Our investment risk information outlines the general investment risks and other relevant risks which may cause a fund’s value to move up and down.
General forms
- Direct Debit Form (PDF 206KB)
Use this form to set up a regular contribution to your KiwiSaver account.
- Change Form (PDF 440KB)
Use this form to change your fund, contribution rate, PIR or to update your personal details.
- Authorised Signatory Form (PDF 512KB)
Use this form if you are a legal guardian or attorney wishing to be appointed as an authorised signatory.
- Appointment of Official Representative Form (PDF 517KB)
Use this form to appoint an official representative to operate your account on your behalf.
- International Money Transfer Request Form (PDF 44KB)
Use this form to transfer money to an overseas bank account.
Early withdrawal
- First Home Withdrawal Application Form (PDF 651KB)
Use this form to apply for a KiwiSaver first home withdrawal.
- Significant Financial Hardship Guide and Application Form (PDF 548KB)
This guide provides information on eligibility criteria and next steps. Use the application form to apply for a withdrawal.
- Serious Illness Withdrawal Application Form (PDF 589KB)
Use this form to request an early withdrawal if you’re suffering from a serious illness.
- Permanent Emigration Withdrawal Application Form (PDF 587KB)
Use this form if you’re permanently moving to another country other than Australia.
- Life-Shortening Congenital Conditions Withdrawal Guide and Application Form (PDF 654KB)
This guide provides information on eligible conditions and next steps. Use the application form to apply for a withdrawal.
Retirement withdrawal
- First Retirement Withdrawal Form (PDF 539KB)
Use this form to make your first retirement withdrawal.
- Subsequent Retirement Withdrawal Form (PDF 285KB)
Use this form to make a subsequent retirement withdrawal or subsequent life-shortening congenital conditions withdrawal.
- Retirement Withdrawal Application Form (for Australian-sourced funds) (PDF 267KB)
Use this form to make a retirement withdrawal from funds that have been transferred from an Australian complying superannuation scheme.
Transferring funds between New Zealand and Australia
Transfers from Australia to New Zealand
- ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme Trans-Tasman Transfer Form (PDF 212KB)
Use this form if your Australian provider doesn’t have their own transfer form to transfer your Australian superannuation to your KiwiSaver account.
- ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme Trans-Tasman Application Letter (PDF 60KB)
Provide this letter to your Australian provider along with your completed application form.
- Trans-Tasman Statutory Declaration (PDF 44KB)
If your Australian provider has their own application form but doesn’t have their own New Zealand statutory declaration, use this declaration to transfer your Australian superannuation to your KiwiSaver account.
Regulations that govern Trans-Tasman Portability statutory declarations have changed to make it easier for you to transfer your Australian super to New Zealand. Now you are allowed to complete a New Zealand statutory declaration, and have it witnessed by a New Zealand witness.
Transfers from New Zealand to Australia
Read about transferring your KiwiSaver savings to Australia.
Application forms
ANZ Investment Funds product disclosure statement (PDF 1.1MB)
Includes the following forms to open a new ANZ Investments account:
- ANZ Investments Application Form (Individuals and Joint Investors) - Form 1
- ANZ Investments Application Form (Companies, Trusts, Partnerships and Estates) - Form 2
Additional forms for companies, trusts, partnerships and estates
- Specific to Companies and Partnerships (Form 2A) (PDF 177KB)
Companies and partnerships must complete this form along with their application.
- Specific to Trusts and Estates (Form 2B) (PDF 214KB)
Trusts and estates must complete this form along with their application.
- Trust Account and Entity Declaration Form (Form 2C) (PDF 213KB)
Trusts, companies, partnerships and estates must complete this form along with their application.
- Supplementary Form – Trust Account and Entity Additional Controlling Person(s) (PDF 187KB)
Complete this form if there are more than two controlling persons when applying for an account under a trust or entity.
Other forms
- Direct Debit Form (Form 3) (PDF 57KB)
Use this form to set up a regular contribution to your investment fund.
- Transaction Form (Form 4) (1.1MB) at the back of the product disclosure statement.
Use this form to make a lump sum contribution to your investment fund or to change your fund.
- Authorised Signatories Form (Form 5) (PDF 517KB)
Use this form if you are a legal guardian or attorney wishing to be appointed as an authorised signatory.
- Withdrawal Form (Form 7) (PDF 468KB)
Use this form to make a withdrawal.
- Unit Transfer Form (Form 8) (PDF 53KB)
Use this form to transfer the legal ownership of your units in your investment fund.
- International Money Transfer Request Form (PDF 44KB)
Use this form to transfer money to an overseas bank account.
- PIR Update Form (for individuals or joint investors) (PDF 237KB)
Use this form to update your PIR if you’re an individual or joint investor.
- PIR Update Form (for companies, trusts and partnerships) (PDF 250KB)
Use this form to update your PIR if you’re a company, trust or partnership.
- Appointment of Official Representative Form (PDF 260KB)
Use this form to appoint an official representative to operate your account on your behalf.
What's next?
From overseas: +64 9 356 4000
If you wish to speak to an external financial adviser, call 0800 736 034 and we’ll put you in touch with one.
Important information
ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited is the issuer and manager of the ANZ KiwiSaver Scheme, the ANZ Default KiwiSaver Scheme and the ANZ Investment Funds. Important information is available under terms and conditions.