Documents and forms

These documents, forms and links will help you with your investments.

OneAnswer KiwiSaver Scheme


General forms

  • Change Form (PDF 456KB)
    Use this form to change your fund, contribution rate, PIR or to update your personal details.

Early withdrawal

Retirement withdrawal

Transferring funds between New Zealand and Australia

Transfers from Australia to New Zealand

  • Trans-Tasman Transfer Form (PDF 214KB)
    Use this form if your Australian provider doesn’t have their own transfer form to transfer your Australian superannuation to your KiwiSaver account.
  • Trans-Tasman Statutory Declaration (PDF 44KB)
    If your Australian provider has their own application form but doesn’t have their own New Zealand statutory declaration, use this declaration to transfer your Australian superannuation to your KiwiSaver account.

Regulations that govern Trans-Tasman Portability statutory declarations have changed to make it easier for you to transfer your Australian super to New Zealand. Now you are allowed to complete a New Zealand statutory declaration, and have it witnessed by a New Zealand witness.

What's next?

From overseas: +64 9 356 4000

Important information

ANZ New Zealand Investments Limited is the issuer and manager of the OneAnswer KiwiSaver Scheme, the OneAnswer Multi-Asset-Class Funds and the OneAnswer Single-Asset-Class Funds. Important information is available under terms and conditions. Download the guide and product disclosure statement.